

Go With God
by Carolyn Arends and Connie Harrington

Farther than lands you have ever imagined
Deeper than even the oceans of blue
An open horizon is waiting like morning
Waking the dreamer who’s living in you

So now go with the wind at your back
And the sun on your face
With a song in your heart
And the promise of grace
Go in peace and in truth
And let love lead your way
Go with God
Go with God

Stronger than will in the soul of a fighter
Higher than hope in the heart of a child
There is a longing, a yearning inside us
That’s reaching for heaven and won’t be denied


Go with God
Go with God
Go with God

© New Spring Publishing/running arends music/ASCAP (both administered by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) and Magnolia Hill/ASCAP (a division of McSpadden-Smith Music).© Running Arends Music (ASCAP)
CCLI No. 2778583